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Influence of ion nitriding and vacuum carburizing on wear resistance of VKS-7 and VKS-10 steels
Engineering Education # 06, June 2013
DOI: 10.7463/0613.0579264
Significant resources for improving the set of performance characteristics of essential machine parts are gathered in development of new technologies of thermal and thermochemical treatment, based on activation of processes of diffusion saturation and providing volumetric and surface ultra-finely-divided or nanostructured condition of constructional materials. Results of estimating wear resistance and micro-hardness of VKS-7 and VKS-10 steels after complex treatment, including two stages: 1 - preliminary plastic deformation by a warm compression method and 2 - ion nitriding or vacuum carburizing were presented. A conclusion on the correlation between hardness and wear resistance was drawn.
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