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Optimization of Design of Steam Turbine Exhaust Conduits
Engineering Education # 02, February 2014
DOI: 10.7463/0214.0699887
Research aims are to decrease the hydraulic resistance of exhaust conduit of steam turbine, reduce the flow irregularity at the conduit outlet, and equalize the steam flow before the condenser tube bundle. The conduit models and flows in it have been simulated in Solid Works environment and its COSMOS Flo Works application. The article presents the research results for the initial conduit model and modified design versions. To evaluate a degree of flow irregularity the momentum factor (Bussinesku factor) has been calculated for outlet cross-section of the selected conduit design. The analyzed research results made it possible to find an optimum design of the exhaust conduit. Introducing the suggested alterations in the conduit design will enable to improve heat exchange in condenser, to increase reliability of the tube bundle operation, to decrease noise and power losses as well as to rise turbine plant efficiency in general.

Engineering Bulletin # 03, March 2013
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