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Experimental Setup for Diamond Grinding Using Electrochemical In-Process Controlled Dressing (ECD) of Grinding Wheel
Engineering Education # 03, March 2014
DOI: 10.7463/0314.0699920
The paper considers basic methods and types to make dressing of diamond grinding wheels. It presents a classification of methods according to different criteria, analyses the positive and negative aspects of using the existing types of dressing and current trends in this area. The paper presents description both of Electrochemical In-Process Controlled Dressing (ECD) and of Electrolytic In-Process Dressing (ELID). Further, it describes the experimental setup for Electrochemical In-Process Controlled Dressing, its scheme, the model and the main process parameters. It also reveals a set-up design technique, its application analysis, and describes parameters of ECD-process control.

# 05, May 2013
УДК: 621.993.2
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