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Modeling and calculating processes of induction heating for press equipment during manufacture of rubber products
Engineering Education # 03, March 2013
DOI: 10.7463/0313.0541632
 The authors consider mathematical models of induction heating of a single plate in a hydraulic vulcanizing press for the initial warm-up period and the period of maintaining the operating temperature. They carry out a comparative analysis of an industrial experiment for studying the processes of heating and maintaining the temperature of the working surface of such a plate with the results obtained by solving models with the method of finite integral transformations and with the application of the finite element analysis. For the first time, the authors proposed a mathematical model of the "induction plate-mold-rubber product" system, a technique for approximate solving the model by the finite element method; the model is supposed to be used for solving the optimization problem of press design and molds design, molds positions between the heating plates. The results of solving this problem by the example of the industrial press are provided in this article.
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