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Influence of interaction of gas masses on efficiency of intermittent-cycle engines
Engineering Education # 01, January 2013
DOI: 10.7463/0113.0522954
 The article presents results of numerical investigation of mass interaction influence on propulsion performance characteristics of a spherical resonator of an intermittent-cycle engine. Analysis of the resonator’s flow features compared to the theory of unsteady outflow was conducted. Main attention was paid to research of influence of joining cyclic and external masses on traction performance. A problem of improving the numerical method for fast processes was formulated while comparing calculation data with experimental results. Impact on propulsion performance characteristics of mechanical and geometrical relations, intensification of the process of joining masses and elasticity of high-temperature gas was also investigated. On the basis of the obtained results the need for more integrated studies of non-stationary effects of the oscillatory pulsing process was indicated.
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