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Comparative analysis of parameters and characteristics of different power plant schemes with an additional remote propfan
Engineering Education # 12, December 2012
DOI: 10.7463/1212.0511469
The authors made an assessment of economic and mass-overall characteristics of a power plant in a long distance aircraft using cryogenic fuel. The scheme consists of two dual-flow turbojet engines and a remote propfan mounted in the rear fuselage the thrust of which compensates aerodynamic resistance of the fuselage. The authors examined five design maps of the remote propfan drive, including the schemes using a fuel cell power plant. They estimated characteristics of these schemes at different levels of power ratio of cruise engines and the external propfan. A comparative analysis of the mechanical, electrical and gas-dynamic drive of the remote propfan was made. The authors present conclusions on practical schemes of an integrated circuit power plant and their application.
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