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Assessment of technical condition of a machine tool UT16P by a phase-chronometric method
Engineering Education # 02, February 2013
DOI: 10.7463/0213.0532755
In this article the authors propose a new approach to information and metrological support and assessment of technical condition of metal-cutting machines, based on a phase-chronometric method. A phase-chronometric information measuring system for the UT16P machine was created. The authors carried out studies of operation of the UT16P machine by measuring kinematic parameters of rotation of a spindle with application of the phase-chronometric method. Results of measurements during processing of a cylindrical work piece made of steel ShH15 with a firm alloy T15K6 are presented. The authors obtained steady diagnostic signs in the form of ranges of spindle’s natural oscillation frequency.

Engineering Bulletin # 11, November 2012
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