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Mathematical model of prospective test and measurement exercise bench for development and evaluation of performance of special equipment fast cars
Engineering Education # 09, September 2012
DOI: 10.7463/0912.0485231
The paper presents the structure and mathematical model of a prospective test and measurement exercise bench for development and evaluation of performance of special equipment of fast cars. The mathematical model of the stand includes a car dynamic model when driving on uneven terrain, and a model of the vibrational platform of the stand. The use of the model allows to adequately identify the driving power of a real stand.
Methodology for determination of drive power of promising test-bed for measuring exercise development and evaluation of performance of special equipment in fast cars
Engineering Education # 10, October 2012
DOI: 10.7463/1012.0485253
The article describes a method of determining power requirement for drives of prospective test and measurement exercise bench in order to develop and evaluate performance of special equipment in fast cars. The method is based on mathematical modeling of machine dynamics when driving on uneven terrain and simulation of body movements obtained in the model of vibrational stand platform. With the proposed method it was possible to determine the capacity of drives to simulate the dynamics of the housing for a high-speed track-type vehicle.
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