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The electrohydraulic balance of the solar heat storage with autonomous power supply
Engineering Education # 02, February 2014
DOI: 10.7463/0214.0697540
The paper considers an autonomous solar heat storage scheme with photoelectric cells for the hydraulic pump. It describes a method for calculating the power density of solar radiation during the day. To calculate the energy balance of the hydraulic system of autonomous solar collector the authors offer a methodology relevant for designing the similar systems. The curves obtained allow calculating the main parameters of the system components, including the required minimum area of absorber and photoelectric cells, pump power, water flow. The typical values of photoelectric cells area required for operation under typical environmental conditions were obtained.
The influence of the azimuthal deviation ion plasma jet on the traction motor efficiency with anode layer
Engineering Education # 12, December 2012
DOI: 10.7463/1212.0483944
The paper considers problems of changes in tractive coefficient of efficiency of a motor with anode layer by using different working substances. The authors obtained dependences describing the effect of the azimuthal deviation to the specified coefficient of efficiency, confirmed by the results of the experiment. The authors propose assessment criteria of using different working substances to increase tractive efficiency propulsion.
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