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Progressive coding of audio by means of singular decomposition
Engineering Education # 08, August 2012
DOI: 10.7463/0812.0475576
The author considers the current best approaches to progressive audio coding which use one-dimensional and two-dimensional transformations. The author proposes a new method for progressive coding which is based on singular decomposition and gives the error estimate of the main stage of the algorithm. The author describes the new codec which uses the proposed ideas. The author considers the system of testing audio codecs which was developed in MATLAB; it allows comparison of classical codecs with the offered codec in numerical experiments on 200 compositions of 20 different genres. In some cases the new approach is better than other existing ones, and in some cases it is worse. During the numerical experiments it was determined that the proposed modification in the Tukey window conversion improved coding parameters of all the tested codecs. The new approach can be combined with the conventional ones. The author gives directions of future research.
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