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Investigating the Effect of Heat-Resistant Ion-Plasma Coating of Ni-Cr-Al-Y System on the Nickel Alloy Structure and Heat Resistance
Machines and Plants: Design and Exploiting # 02, April 2015
DOI: 10.7463/aplts.0215.0774180
pp. 16-24
Promising method of low-energy materials processing using a magnetic field
Engineering Education # 09, September 2012
DOI: 10.7463/0912.0454270
The authors give an analytical review of the work related to researches of influence of electromagnetic fields on the structure and properties of materials (dia-, para-and ferromagnetic). The authors provide a classification of effects caused by magnetic fields (constants, variables, pulse) and give classification methods of magnetic material processing. The authors compare the most significant results in this area and summarize prospective mechanisms of interaction of the magnetic field with materials.
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