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Engineering Bulletin # 03, March 2017
УДК: 623.451.741(075.8)
Measurement of the actual acceleration laws - complicated scientific technical problem, which hitherto has not been solved. The article describes the method of determining the overload acting on the munition (BP), when he met an obstacle in the real world, with boikove accelerometer (BA) special purpose [1]. The advantages of the Autonomous device for recording the laws of change overload in time - the simplicity of design and reliable performance, no wired connection, relative simplicity of the method of processing readings. Design features of ammunition of various types, were considered in detail. In the article the problem of determining of overloads is applied with regard to fusing de-vices (WU) for marine bombs (AB) and rocket depth bomb (RSL). С specific use of these muni-tions is such that the target sensor (DTS) with a wired (cable) connection to use it is technically impossible [4]. Therefore, the definition of the laws of overloads while landing AB and RGB is very relevant. This can be used by experimental and theoretical methods or field tests, and only the latter allow to adequately assess the real effectiveness and reliability of the product [2, 6]. It is known that the overload acting on the WU, those which act on the body of the muni-tion, particularly bombs. This is because due to the lack of rigidity of the mount WU the latter may move relative to the housing under the action of inertial forces directed in a direction oppo-site relative to the negative acceleration of AB, and there is a possibility of occurrence of impact resonance [5]. In addition, the results obtained using boikove accelerometer show that when depth charges from the barrel of the launcher and the initial part of the trajectory can be consid-erable lateral overload.

Engineering Bulletin # 05, May 2015
УДК: 623.451.741 (075.8)

Engineering Bulletin # 10, October 2014
УДК: 623.451.741(075.8)

Engineering Bulletin # 11, November 2014
УДК: 623.451.741 (075.8)
Key reasons of abnormal action of ammunition and possible ways of their elimination
Engineering Education # 05, May 2013
DOI: 10.7463/0513.0571026
During ammunition exploitation premature actuation and failures may occur. It’s virtually impossible to fully eliminate such potentially dangerous situations. This article provides an analysis of failure reasons based on the experience of WWII; it also describes fuse modernization after the war. If we speak about artillery ammunition, their abnormal performance can occur at different stages of fuse operating: during service exploitation (as a result of a fall during handling); during loading (wrong loading); during ammunition movement inside the weapon bore (as a consequence of ammunition and fuse defects); when moving after flying out. The last case was considered in detail, and the final results of the research were presented by the example of specific fuses used in the army of Russian Federation.
Design features of fusing devices for conventional artillery ammunition. Part 1 – Forces acting on fusing systems of the particular type of ammunition.
Engineering Education # 08, August 2012
DOI: 10.7463/0812.0452053
The article considers design features of fuzing devices with conventional artillery ammunition. The author defines their interconnection with operating conditions of the munition, their dynamics and the nature of target. The author provides assessment of fuse functioning in their practical application during fighting. The “trademark” concept introduced by the author allowed to analyze design of typical fuses in these munitions and to reveal their fundamental differences from the design of fuses with a different type of ammunition. The material presented in the article is of great interest to graduate students of universities and industry experts.
Design features of fusing devices for conventional artillery ammunition. Part 2 - Analysis of design of typical fusing devices of this kind of ammunition
Engineering Education # 09, September 2012
DOI: 10.7463/0912.0452096
 The article considers design features of fuzing devices with conventional artillery ammunition. The author defines their interconnection with operating conditions of the munition, their dynamics and the nature of target. The author provides assessment of fuse functioning in their practical application during fighting. The “trademark” concept introduced by the author allowed to analyze design of typical fuses in these munitions and to reveal their fundamental differences from the design of fuses with a different type of ammunition. The material presented in the article is of great interest to graduate students of universities and industry experts.
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