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Application of the Taylor test to research dynamic mechanical properties of highly porous aluminum alloy
Engineering Education # 09, September 2012
DOI: 10.7463/0912.0442058
Application of the Taylor test (cylinder) allowed to obtain experimental data on dynamic behavior of volume-perforated samples of the aluminum alloy D16T at an impact velocity against a hard wall of up to 150 m/s. To calculate the impact, software packages LS-DYNA and ANSYS AUTODIN in two versions were used. The first variant included direct modeling of the structure of volume-perforated samples by the finite element method, and the second variant included using constitutive equations of porous elastoplastic medium based on a homogeneous model. For the second calculation variant the authors applied both experimental data in the form of a deformation curve obtained for uniaxial stress state and calculation data based on numerical simulation of deformation and compression of volume-perforated samples. The authors received a good qualitative agreement between the calculated and experimental data in the Taylor test, as well as a satisfactory quantitative agreement between the calculated and experimental results.
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