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# 03, March 2012
УДК: 535.42
Experimental studies of plasma-chemical etching of glass when manufacturing diffraction and hologram optical elements
Engineering Education # 05, May 2012
DOI: 10.7463/0512.0408094
The authors consider capabilities of manufacturing diffraction and hologram optical elements (DOE and HOE) with the use of the “Caroline 15 PE” machine. The purpose of the work was to increase the quality of binary DOE-HOE which is defined mainly by depth of the regular profile on the functional surface. It is shown that the maximum of this depth corresponds to the maximum of the etching selectivity of glass concerning a mask material. It is established that at thickness of chromic mask of 100 nanometers the PE method reaches depth of surface to 1,4 microns. It allows to increase the diffraction efficiency of DOE-HOE. Relative intensity of light in the second order of diffraction is 30 %; it allows to create new products of micro-optics.
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