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Investigating Distribution of the Model Parameters Estimates for the Population System Using Numerical Methods
Mathematics and Mathematical Modelling # 04, August 2015
DOI: 10.7463/mathm.0415.0812686
pp. 81–92
Optimum thickness of screened wall with a feedback heat-activated padding
Engineering Education # 05, May 2012
DOI: 10.7463/0512.0396333
 In this paper the authors define sufficient conditions for existence of optimal thickness of a flat isotropic wall with a heat insulator and an interlayer in the form of a heat-activated padding which operates on the principle of feedback providing a minimum steady hottest-spot temperature of the wall. The unprotected side of the wall is cooled by the medium with a constant temperature and the heat transfer coefficient, and the side of the wall whith the heat insulator is affected by a heat flow in pulse-periodic mode.
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