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77-30569/382161 Automation system of communication process
Engineering Education # 04, April 2012
The authors analyze several methods of creating a communication system for information interchange between workers on the shopfloor, managers in the office and clients. The most economical method was selected on the basis of using an additional database which interacts with the “1С:Enterprise 8.1. Trade control” program. Also the system comprises a website where clients can monitor the order state. The system was implemented at the particular enterprise.
77-30569/372760 Methods of presentation and basis signal transformation in generalized Christenson functions
Engineering Education # 03, March 2012
 The authors consider methods of synthesis and basic properties of various discrete basis systems of generalized Christenson functions in polybasic number systems, as well as the original scalar method of constructing fast algorithms for analyzing the spectrum in these bases. Theoretical results are illustrated with concrete examples.
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