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77-48211/434860 Educational strategy for Research University as a synergy tool for educational and scientific domain of Russian Federation
Engineering Education # 05, May 2012
In this article author analyses the role of Research Universities in creation of unified educational and scientific domain of Russia, also the implementation of modern educational paradigm “life long learning”. Author emphasizes that problem of continuous education in postgraduate life period of a specialist, working in scientific-industrial companies, is not developed enough. Author proposes some directions of solving this problem.
77-48211/370538 Goal-setting in Education
Engineering Education # 05, May 2012
Goal-setting is the most important stage of education process design and implementation. The authors analyze modern Russian and foreign structures of educational goals as well as the hierarchical classification (taxonomy). The authors note insufficiency of the number of educative (affective) goals in educational programs for students of technical universities.
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