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Cancerous Tumour Model Analysis and Constructing schemes of Anti-angiogenesis Therapy at an Early Stage
Mathematics and Mathematical Modelling # 03, June 2015
DOI: 10.7463/mathm.0315.0790877
pp. 39–58
Automatic Generation of Complex Spatial Trajectories of the UAV and Synthesis of Control
Mathematics and Mathematical Modelling # 01, February 2015
DOI: 10.7463/mathm.0115.0778000
pp. 1-17
Polynomials-Based Terminal Control of Affine Systems
Engineering Education # 02, February 2015
DOI: 10.7463/0215.0758826
pp. 101-114
Terminal control of processes in chemical reactors using orbital linearization
Engineering Education # 10, October 2013
DOI: 10.7463/1013.0612563
The authors consider an affine third order system which describes action of a chemical batch reactor with a ternary working mixture. The terminal control problem for this system with restrictions on state variables was investigated. Solution to this problem is based on the orbital linearization approach by which the original problem is transformed to a terminal problem for a non-stationary second-order system in a canonical form. For the transformed terminal problem conditions for solution existence were obtained; a method of obtaining this solution was also proposed. Operability of the proposed method was illustrated by mathematical simulation.
77-30569/367724 Admissible spatial trajectories of the unmanned aerial vehicle in a vertical plane
Engineering Education # 03, March 2012
Trajectory planning problem of the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) was considered in this article. UAV should flied by the preset traveling points during the preset moments of time. State and control variables were also restricted.The main problem is to find the permissible trajectory, which satisfy given restrictions. The approach based on design of a trajectory from a certain set of sample maneuvers was proposed. These maneuvers were formed with use of a combination of analytical methods of trajectories calculation, methods of mathematical simulation and various heuristic algorithms.The sequence of traveling points breaks required trajectory into segments. Essential simplification of the problem can be obtained by the demand that calculation of the trajectory segment does not affect on calculation of the subsequent segments and depends only on values of state and control variables of UAV obtained on the previous segment. In this case planning of a trajectory was carried out consistently, from one segment to another.In this paper the maneuver planning problem of an echelon change was solved. This maneuver in a combination with rectilinear uniform movement allowed to plan those segments of a UAV trajectory where movement can take place in the vertical plane, i.e. with constant value of a traveling angle.The nonlinear mathematical model of UAV movement as material point in the trajectory coordinates was described. The proposed method of the solution of a terminal problem was based on usage of polynoms on time. Two heuristic algorithms of maneuver planning of echelon change were described. Examples were included. Results of simulation and the scheme of testing of proposed planning method were presented.
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