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Operation modes research of liquefied natural gas storages as a part of the ground complexes equipment
Engineering Education # 03, March 2014
DOI: 10.7463/0314.0700530
Equipment operation safety and ecology of the ground complexes is one of the defining factors to choose a component of the rocket fuel. The Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) having a number of advantages over the rocket kerosene has a specific storage feature that is a possibility of the rollover phenomenon to be arisen. Now the Russian Federation has no sufficient experimental LNG base to simulate different processes, including a rollover. Basic data for modeling are taken from various sources to reveal a doubtful reliability. To confirm data compliance, modeling results have been compared to the experimental data.
Influence of liquefied natural gas composition and functional specifications of storages of launching equipment on rollover phenomenon time
Engineering Education # 02, February 2013
DOI: 10.7463/0213.0552136
The urgency of liquefied natural gas applications as long-range rocket fuel is connected with better characteristics in comparison with rocket kerosene. However, if liquefied natural gas is stored in ground facilities it can be affected by the negative phenomenon called rollover. Studying causes of occurrence of this phenomenon is the primary design task for creating safe storage systems. In this article major factors influencing the start time of the rollover phenomenon are described. The results of the research can be used at designing fueling systems of spaceport ground facilities.
77-30569/345773 Mathematic rollover model in LNG storage tank
Engineering Education # 03, March 2012
The author considers approaches to creating a mathematical model for describing the phenomenon of rollover; the model consists of fast emission of liquefied natural gas (LNG) vapour from the storage tank when the emission was caused by mixing of LNG layers which have different temperatures. Quantitative results of LNG layers behavior in fueling system storage tanks in starting complexes are shown. The analysis of LNG parameters at refuiling in storage tanks allows to predict temperature and pressure levels and to avoid construction damages during operation.
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