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Elimination of Systematic Operation Errors of Fuzes Having Two Antenna Systems with Swinging Diagrams
Radiooptics # 03, May 2015
DOI: 10.7463/rdopt.0315.0777951
pp. 1-13
77-30569/334010 Estimation of conditions of coordinated work of Autonomous Information and Control Systems (AICS) and executing device at the initial design stages
Engineering Education # 02, February 2012
Problems of coordinated work of Autonomous Information and Control Systems (AICS) and executing device (ED) for wide range of conditions of application were considered. Hodographs of relative velocities were plotted for possible variants of a meeting of the rocket and the target and possibility of their usage for a choice of AICS and ED parameters already at the initial design stages was shown. For export variant of complex system «Shtil-1» the field of hodograph of relative velocities where coordinated work of AICD and executing device could be provided, was defined.
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