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77-30569/326698 Laser reflectometry method of measurement of thickness of gold nanofilms on quartz substrate
Engineering Education # 03, March 2012
 In this paper the authors consider a laser reflectometric method of measurement of thickness of metallic films on dielectric substratewas. Optimal wavelengths for measuring thickness of gold nanofilms on quartz substrate were determined; error estimation for determining film thickness from laser reflectometry measurements was obtained. Mathematical simulation shows that the method allows to measure a gold nanofilm with thickness from 1 nm to 5 nm using wavelength 1310 or 1550 nm with mean error ~ 0,15 % and with thickness from 5 nm to 50 nm using wavelength 515 nm with mean error ~ 0,25 % and the relative root-mean-square value of measurement noise 1 %.
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