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Analysis of factors affecting safety of flight of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV). Causes of accidents of UAVs and methods of preventing them
Engineering Education # 12, December 2012
DOI: 10.7463/1212.0500452
The authors analyzed characteristics of flight operation of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) in the whole phase space of expected operating conditions. They consider basic aspects of the providing trouble-free use of unmanned aerial vehicles which exclude their uncontrolled fall to the ground and the resulting unintended damage to human life, health and their property on the ground. Factors that affect safety of flight of unmanned aerial vehicles were analyzed. The authors identified the causes and consequences of an air crash and proposed methods of preventing it.
Description of complex images of ground objects in the problem of pattern recognition
Engineering Education # 11, November 2012
DOI: 10.7463/1112.0500490
The article describes principles of selecting informative features for classification of optical images of complex surface facilities. The authors justify the selection of classes of objects using ellipsoidal estimation. They developed criteria for qualitative selection of the classifier attribute vector answering questions of resistance of classes to noise impact, of compact description of classes using ellipsoids of dispersion, of an essential dimension of the feature vector. The authors propose a science-based approach to selection of informative features of the signal classifier based on the concept of entropy of information theory and ellipsoidal estimation.
77-30569/316296 Method of selection of classification characteristics in pattern recognition problems of complex spatial objects
Engineering Education # 01, January 2012
The methodology of selecting of classifiers’ features was described in this article; these classifiers were used in processing of diffraction image of complex spatial objects. The substantiation of the separation of the object class into subclasses in terms of information theory, as well as reasonable selection of object classes with the usage of ellipsoidal estimation were given. The criteria of qualitative selection of classifier’s feature vector, answering questions about the size of teaching selection, the cardinality of the set of classes, the essential dimension of feature vector, were developed. Evidence-based approach to the selection of informative features of classifier of signals, based on the concept of entropy of information theory and ellipsoidal estimation, were proposed.
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