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Engineering Bulletin # 08, August 2014
УДК: 621.454.3

# 05, May 2012
УДК: 621.372.812
77-30569/306807 Application of microwave method for measuring the burning rate of energetic condensed systems under extreme pressure
Engineering Education # 12, December 2011
The article deals with the problem of designing microwave diagnostic systems, which are used in multifactor stressful conditions and require multi-parameter optimization with involving various disciplines, such as thermodynamics, mechanics and electrodynamics. Complex assessment of mechanical and dielectric properties of materials for use as a load-bearing element and a matching element of the microwave path was carried out. Simulation of the unit was performed using the software HFSS – a CAD package for the electrodynamics modeling; the simulation resulted in the definition the optimal geometry of the waveguide for the particular conditions.
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