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Efficiency of space-time processing in on-board radar stations
Engineering Education # 04, April 2013
DOI: 10.7463/0413.0547801
The authors consider several signal processing algorithms in an on-board radar system with a multi-channel phased antenna array used for detection of small, low-speed targets. These are: split space and time non-adaptive processing, space-time adaptive processing and space-time adaptive processing with pre-beam forming in elevation plane. A simple method of result comparison for mentioned algorithms is described. The results of computer simulation of the output signal-to-(noise + interference) ratio are also presented. The particular results were obtained for a coherent impulse sequence with mean repetition frequencies.
77-30569/293307 Modified algorithm of compensation of interferences for pulsed-Doppler BRLS on the basis of direct calculation of weight coefficients
Engineering Education # 01, January 2012
The article describes an algorithm for compensation distortions in sidelobes of a beamformer. Due to using received signal redundancy in frequency domain the algorithm doesn’t need any extra time for adaptation when the signal-distortion situation changes. The algorithm could be applied in multichannel pulse Doppler radars. The research was based on linear algebra and mathematical modeling.
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