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77-30569/262333 Research of the structure and properties of multilayer materials based on aluminum alloys
Engineering Education # 11, November 2011
 It was shown in the article, that multilayer metallic materials could be composed not only using alloys with different crystal structure, but also using isomorphic components. Metallographic research specified that laminar structure with parallel arrangement of layers of equal thickness was formed in multilayer material consisting of aluminum alloys. Significant reducing of viscosity was detected when simultaneous rising of conditional yield point; this is a characteristic of materials with laminar structure.
77-30569/262116 Research of the influence of alloying elements’ diffusion mobility on the stability of multilayer metallic materials’ structure
Engineering Education # 11, November 2011
Diffusion of the alloying elements between layers of material is one of the main factors influencing on the forming and saving of laminar structure in multilayer metallic materials. Thermic method, dilatometric method and micro-X-ray analysis were used to find out the influence of cyclic high-temperature heating on diffusion mobility of basic alloying elements in multilayer iron-based materials with various degree of structuring.
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