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Selection of Rational Heat Transfer Intensifiers in the Heat Exchanger
Engineering Education # 12, December 2016
DOI: 10.7463/1216.0852444
pp. 35-56

# 02, February 2013
УДК: 621.438
Experimental study of parameters of surfaces coated with regular relief
Engineering Education # 01, January 2013
DOI: 10.7463/0113.0532996
This article presents an analysis of published data on numerical and physical (experimental) study of thermal-hydraulic characteristics of different methods of heat exchange vortical enhancement. It is shown that the most effective is the use of heat exchange surfaces coatedwith regular relief (holes) which have a simple production technology combined with high thermal-hydraulic characteristics. The authors present a modernized test bench that allows, in a single experiment, to determine resistance and heat exchange parameters for two plates which are parallel to each other (smooth plates and plates coated with regular relief). In this case, resistance is determined by "weighing" on tensometric scales, and parameters are determined by a time-dependent heat exchange method using thermal imaging equipment. The authors present data of an experimental study of two types of heating surfaces. It is shown that surfaces with oval holes have a large (20-35%) resistance than surfaces with hemispherical holes.

# 01, January 2013
УДК: 621.438

# 05, May 2012
УДК: 621.438

# 04, April 2012
УДК: 621.438
77-30569/253757 Space radiant heat exchanger for heat elimination
Engineering Education # 10, October 2011
Coolant heat exchanger intended for heat removal by radiation into an open space is considered. The settlement program for numerical calculating the fin-type heat exchanger is described. Various emitter panel constructions are analyzed. Identical versions of radiant panels with neon and hydrogen as the heat carrier are compared. Comparative characteristics data of the matrix radiator for heat carriers with different combination of materials and pipes edges are shown. Advantages of liquid metal heat carrier of the intermediate circuit are underlined. Main features and packaging problems of power installation of a space plant are named. Version of the radiator design with a phased scheme of its opening in orbit is proposed
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