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77-30569/250145 Shared center for research and testing of microminiature high-frequency and broadband special electronic equipment assembly and mounting technological processes.
Engineering Education # 11, November 2011
Technological abilities of shared center for research and testing of microminiature high-frequency and broadband special electronic equipment assembly and mounting technological processes were considered in the article. Working conditions and examples of technological processes of micro-assemblies development and mounting were described. Perspectives for the development of this center and for the entire sphere were shown.
77-30569/253065 Experimental research of different target types radar pictures in milieter wave range.
Engineering Education # 01, January 2012
In this article the results of experimental research works of composing data bank of  radar pictures for different target types in millimeter wave range. The comparative analysis of produced radar pictures depending on angle of the object and wavelength range is included. To solve the detecting and recognizing problems, the possibility of using the oscillating components from Doppler’s images of targets was considered.  
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