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Synchronizer for Meter Range Distributed Radar Prototype
Radiooptics # 06, November 2015
DOI: 10.7463/rdopt.0615.0777931
pp. 1-12
77-30569/248808 Interference pattern analysis of resolution bin in surveillance spatial coherent MIMO radar systems with beamea antennas
Engineering Education # 11, November 2011
           The article considers features of the interference pattern of resolution bin in surveillance spatial coherent MIMO radar system with respect to baseline lengths of the interferometer and the number of radar stations in the interferometer. The authors provide a strategy of surveillance coherent MIMO radar system interference pattern of spatial bin construction.
77-30569/255301 Experimental research of multipath radio-wave propagation’s influence on the accuracy of range measurement on rough terrain
Engineering Education # 11, November 2011
In this article methods of range measurement between two points of local positioning system. General overview of positioning problem in conditions of multipath was presented. Model of equipment for investigation of diverse radio system positioning accuracy was proposed. Experiment for investigation of positioning accuracy and method for determining the distance using the experimental data were described. The results of experimental estimation of accuracy when measuring the distance between elements for different types of tracks were included in the article.
77-30569/253036 Development of radar for radio vision of spacecrafts in millimeter-wave band – radar RV MGTU
Engineering Education # 11, November 2011
Radar station created in BMSTU (RDE RET) that allows to get the images of low-orbit spacecrafts and working in the millimeter-wave band was considered in this article. Created radar station is an interesting researching tool, allowing to breakthrough in the sphere of creating algorithms and methods for taking radar pictures of aircrafts and their high-accuracy detection; it also provides tools for research of millimeter-wave propagation at the Earth-Space path.   
77-30569/253626 Control of the pulse envelope form in the transmitting radar device
Engineering Education # 11, November 2011
This article is devoted to the method for increasing of radar energy efficiency at the expense of using the pulse envelope with non-rectangle form. Construction schemes of solid-state pulse transmitting radar devices were presented; they provide forming of  pulse envelope with non-rectangle form, keeping high energy efficiency. The aspects of thermal conditions and the problems of output cascade reliability were considered. The analysis of energy saved during the radar operation with different types of radio signals was presented.
77-30569/254289 Mathematical model of multiposition radar system’s channel of distribution
Engineering Education # 11, November 2011
Development of mathematical model of multiposition radar system's channel of distribution was described in the article. The probing radio-signal propagation, their scattering at different objects, such as targets and clutter and reflection from underlying surface were taken in the account. The first results of multiposition radar system with meter-wave band simulation were included in this article.
77-30569/253870 Maximum possible unit power when designing transmitting module of solid-state ASEA
Engineering Education # 11, November 2011
Approach to the design of solid-state transmitting devices with high unti power, based on continuous optimization of transmission path’s units in order to achieve the maximum possible mass-dimensional attributes, was considered in this article.Ability to increas pulse power from one semicondactor device was demonstrated. The results of experimental research of very high frequency amplifiers were presented.
77-30569/249978 Parameter selection for continuous phase modulation with Gaussian filtration for broadband communications
Engineering Education # 11, November 2011
 This paper covers the question of parameter selection for continuous phase modulation with Gaussian filtration for obtaining appropriate characteristics in noise immunity and spectral properties. The authors present a method of parameter selection. The results enable to select appropriate parameters of continuous phase modulation.
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