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Engineering Bulletin # 12, December 2017
УДК: 621.317.2
The manufacturing technology of millimeter wave band reflector antennas in BMSTU Radioelectronic Research Institute is described. Antenna systems in which the produced antennas used are presented. The reflector surface profile of the two-meter antenna was investigated during operation in various positions and temperature conditions. An estimation of the profile irregularities influence on the antenna electrical parameters was made.
Antenna Protective Shelters’ Design and Manufacturing Specificities
Engineering Education # 12, December 2014
DOI: 10.7463/1214.0751061
pp. 582-592
77-30569/248250 Monopulse irradiator for receiving and trasmitting system with four-channel receiver.
Engineering Education # 01, January 2012
In this article the development of monopulse millimeter wave irradiator is described. This irradiator works with circular polarization of electromagnetic waves and was proposed to be used in receiving and transmitting system with digital four-channel receiver. The main advantages of the developed construction were analyzed; the plan of construction is included.  
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