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On the Problem of 2d Affine Systems Input to State Stabilization
Mathematics and Mathematical Modelling # 03, June 2015
DOI: 10.7463/mathm.0315.0789645
pp. 27–38
Control of chaotic dynamics in the Sprott A System
Engineering Education # 05, May 2013
DOI: 10.7463/0513.0555404
Since the early nineties, the problem of controlling chaos attracts researches’ attention. The essence of the problem lies in synthesis of control which eliminates chaotic dynamics of a dynamic system. A normally closed system has one or several stable limit cycles. This article deals with the problem of controlling chaos in one of the Sprott systems and also describes the method of elimination of chaotic dynamics by stabilizing a cylindrical invariant sub-manifold in the phase space of the closed system which consists of system’s stable periodic solutions. The system under consideration belongs to the class of affine systems which are not equivalent to a regular system of the canonical form on any subset of the state space. The described method is applicable not only to the specific system in question but may be extended.
77-30569/239583 Visual modeling of spaceships angular motion
Engineering Education # 10, October 2011
The paper describes KOKON software package developed at the Mathematical modeling Department (FN-12) of Bauman Moscow State Technical University. The software allows to construct visual three-dimensional models of spacecrafts and spacestations. Realistic 3D Stereo visualization is also included. The process of spacecraft motion and, in particular, angular rotation of the spacecraft under the influence of attitude control can be simulated and visualized. The developed software also contains tools for visual design of three-dimensional models.
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