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77-30569/234292 Development of MATLAB-Simulink model of visualization in virtual reality of controlled spatial motion of underwater vehicle
Engineering Education # 10, October 2011
Purpose - to present the results of research of complex spatial motion of submersible vehicles in graphic form for quick evaluation and possible adjustment of the simulation model. The method of study -  computer animated 3D simulation in virtual reality. Scope of the results - a simulation study with different modes of spatial motions of underwater vehicles. The resulting model is useful for rapid prototyping and application in training, presentations and research purposes. Creating such a complex model is not difficult for non-programmers who have almost no knowledge and skills in programming in any programming languages. The disadvantage of this way of development of the model – it requires a lot of computer resources. To reduce the resources it’s necessary to optimize the work of the system by using RealTimeWorkshop MATLAB.
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