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Calculated parameters of a draw band twisted joint
Engineering Education # 07, July 2013
DOI: 10.7463/0713.0582853
In this article for the first time the authors consider a method of determination of basic parameters of electrical-installation binding by wire wrapping which ensures higher reliability and durability compared with soldered joints. The method is based on a use of physical processes occurring during this kind of installation. The results of the analysis allowed to determine the basic parameter – that is the radius of the wrapping roller’s working end. Experimental data on the value of the deformation degree of a real wrapping wire were used to estimate the study result. The obtained results can be used to calculate a wrapping tool.
77-30569/257144 The method for ensuring the distance learning courses in «Nanoengineering»
Engineering Education # 01, January 2012
 This article deals with the application of information models for different educational purposes and composing methodical recommendation based on their quality  estimations. Also the method for determination of visibility of the information representation is described. This method satisfies the state educational modern standard of distance learning «Nanoengineering». This standard defines new principles of training the specialists.
77-30569/228502 Analysis of the impact of technological errors on output electrical parameters of microwave radio signals mixers based on resonant tunneling diodes.
Engineering Education # 12, December 2011
 The authors carried out an analysis of the impact of technological errors on the output electrical parameters of microwave radio signals mixers based on resonant tunneling diodes and stability of this impact in time (in the process of degradation products) . Obtained results are very important for their technological optimization according to the reliability criterion.
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