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77-30569/256111 Methods for micro-optical-electrical-mechanical subsystems modeling
Engineering Education # 11, November 2011
Modeling of MEM subsystems with different physical nature and methods of transition between them, using formal description language VHDL-AMS were considered in this article, based on micro-optical-electrical-mechanical accelerometer with Fabry-Perot interferometer. Optical, mechanical and control subsystems were modeled during the research, the results were included in the article. It was noticed, that the advantages of VHDL-AMS are its versatility, ability to describe mixed analog-digital systems; it’s also supported in many programming complexes, used for MEM modeling
77-30569/228456 MEMS gyroscope-based stabilization system concept
Engineering Education # 10, October 2011
The report introduces a MEMS gyroscope-based stabilization system concept and considers various types of stabilization systems, their advantages and disadvantages as well as fields of their application. The choice of a MEMS gyroscope for stabilization system is reasoned. The report also describes the basic principles of MEMS gyroscopes operation and gives an account of comparison of characteristics of analog and digital MEMS gyroscopes. A number of models by different manufacturers is presented. The authors designed a prototype version of the stabilization system. Some experimental circuit boards for MEMS gyroscopes in a stabilization system are also presented.
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