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About reliability improvement of mixing AlAs/GaAs resonant tunneling diodes by design and engineering means
Engineering Education # 11, November 2013
DOI: 10.7463/1113.0637834
In this article the authors propose an investigation method of changing current–voltage characteristic of a resonant tunneling diode influenced by degradation processes in its structure. An investigation of degradation of an AlAs/GaAs resonant tunneling diode structure at the temperature of 300°C was conducted. The findings show that in these conditions change in current–voltage characteristic of the resonant tunneling diode is mainly due to degradation of ohmic contacts. An analytic dependence of the resonant tunneling diode AuGeNi ohmic contact resistance on time and temperature was determined.
Estimation of the stress-strain state of work pieces affected by cavitational-abrasive wear
Engineering Education # 12, December 2013
DOI: 10.7463/1213.0623531
This article presents the results of quantitative assessment of process parameters which occur in materials of work pieces susceptible to cavitational-abrasive wear when in operation in aggressive fluid media. The authors propose a new algorithm for estimating the stress-strain state of materials of technical system’s elements affected by abrasive particles and micro water jets resulting from collapse of cavity pockets. Several hypotheses were introduced for describing this physical phenomenon; they were justified in this work. On the basis of the proposed algorithm evaluation calculations of existent parameters which allow one to make conclusions on the stress-strain state of several materials were performed. The obtained results were presented in the form of functional dependences.
77-30569/228502 Analysis of the impact of technological errors on output electrical parameters of microwave radio signals mixers based on resonant tunneling diodes.
Engineering Education # 12, December 2011
 The authors carried out an analysis of the impact of technological errors on the output electrical parameters of microwave radio signals mixers based on resonant tunneling diodes and stability of this impact in time (in the process of degradation products) . Obtained results are very important for their technological optimization according to the reliability criterion.
77-30569/228008 Processing variables detection for structural and engineering optimization on reliability criterion of microwave radio signals mixers based on resonant tunneling diodes .
Engineering Education # 10, October 2011
To detect the factors defining phasing out of the next-generation microwave radio signals mixers based on resonant tunneling nanodiodes, researches of regularities of their formation are conducted. It was established that the possibility of increasing reliability of these radio signals mixers lies in optimization of characteristics of the resonant tunneling nanodiode structure.
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