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77-30569/318125 Mathematical model of axially symmetric vortex motion
Engineering Education # 02, February 2012
This article deals with the structure of confined vortex motion. A mathematical model was proposed, and boundary conditions of vortex motion based on the Helmholtz theorem were formulated. A theory of vortex motion in the field of mass centrifugal forces was introduced. The developed mathematical model and formulated boundary conditions allowed to study the main features of motion which appear in vortex devices and to determine the influence of the chamber’s parameters on flow regime. 
77-30569/274059 Modeling the dynamics of temperature field soil base of the building in permafrost
Engineering Education # 12, December 2011
We simulated the dynamics of temperature field soil base of the building, installed on a ground floor in a continuous permafrost in areas with seasonal freezing and thawing of the soil. The model is based on boundary-value problem for the heat equation with phase transitions. The equation describes the variation with time of the temperature field in a rectangular area of ground under the building and take into account the thermal effect of heated buildings on the ground and seasonal changes in climatic conditions (air temperature). The problem was solved numerically using method of control volume, the solution is implemented in the environment of Compaq Visual Fortran. The simulation results allow to analyze the possibility of dangerous cryogenic processes, resulting in a building in an emergency situation (heave, settlement, etc.).
77-30569/246235 About computation of slot jet's parameters; slot jet is blown from sublimated plate into razing supersonic flow
Engineering Education # 11, November 2011
Numeric computation of gas-dynamic parameters when flow blown from the crack in the plate interacted with main supersonic gas flow moving parallel to the plate with sublimated surface was considered in this article. Numeric simulation of gas-dynamic parameters, structure and main dependences of supersonic flow past a jet, blown from the crack in he plate on superficial mass transfer was carried out. Influence of plate sublimation on gas flow parameters was numeric investigated.
77-30569/226125 Independence of residual quadratic sums in the with noncentral hi-2 distribution
Engineering Education # 10, October 2011
 A model adequacy test should be carried out on the basis of accurate aprioristic ideas about a class of adequate models, as in solving of practical problems this class is final. This article considers quadratic sums of a dispersive analysis equation and their independence is proved. Necessary and sufficient conditions of existence of adequate models are given. It is shown that the class of adequate models is infinite.
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