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Shaping of inlet ports of a diesel for conditions of high pressure charging and high pressure differentials between a collector and a cylinder
Engineering Education # 10, October 2013
DOI: 10.7463/1013.0617277
In this paper the authors present results of shaping a piston engine’s inlet ports. The “Large Particle” CFD method was used for simulation of a flow and estimation of the effective flow area. The investigated flow modes are characterized by high density of the incoming charge and a significant pressure fall. Diagrams of influence of geometry features on channel capacity are also given. A spatial profile of the engine’s inlet ports, including an axisymmetric part near the seat, was considered along with the diameter and location of the intake popped valve. Recommendations were given on optimal shaping of the intake ports for the promising Z-Engine.

Engineering Education # 09, September 2011
Updating of a particle-in-cell method in which algorithm the specified task of parameters on Euler stage is provided is offered. Carrying out of test calculations for a Riemann problem has shown substantial increase of stability of settlement procedure with the modified method in comparison by a base particle-in-cell method.
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