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Modeling of zero signal compensation processes in MEMS gyroscope
Engineering Education # 09, September 2012
DOI: 10.7463/0912.0476265
One of the most important characteristics of micromechanical gyroscopes is zero-signal value. Studies have shown that pattern shift to 1 micron (achievable accuracy of double-sided photolithography) results in appearance of zero signal corresponding to angular velocity of TLS which exceeds the measurement range. The main sources of this signal are: pendulum asymmetry and technological inaccuracy during manufacturing the SE elastic suspension. Influence of pendulum asymmetry on the zero-signal value can be minimized by design and technological measures. This article presents the results of investigations into the possibility of compensation of manufacturing defects of elastic suspension which are due to a shift of etching photomasks with double-sided photolithography used in manufacturing suspensions.
77-30569/219257 Hybrid microelectromechanical gyroscopes and acceleration gages
Engineering Education # 10, October 2011
 The article describes the ways of development of microelectromechanical gyroscopes and acceleration gages in navigating devices of missile systems. The authors propose variants of design of microelectromechanical compensatory acceleration gages and of rotor vibrating gyroscopes. It is shown that microelectromechanical two-coordinate gages of angular speed have some advantages in comparison with solid-state ones. Designs of microelectromechanical acceleration gages and gages of angular speed are technological and easily realized on practice.
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