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Engineering Bulletin # 11, November 2013
77-30569/224547 The methodology of semosolid metal flow field construction during the direct pressing of aluminium alloys thixobillets
Engineering Education # 08, August 2011
The new methodology of semisolid metal flow field research is proposed based on using of the solid particles geometry description, which evolving during the process of extruding the suspension from the container. The received quantitative estimates could be the basis for the development of simulation program for thixoextrusion and thixoforging.
The new trends in traditional procuring production technologies
Engineering Education # 08, August 2011
The structural analysis of parts produced by MIM is delivered. Quantitative and qualitative estimates of powder distribution in feedstock are presented. The recommendations for improvement of feedstock quality for MIM-technology are proposed.
Incoming inspection and mathematic simulation of high-modulus reinforcement strength in aerospace engineering
Engineering Education # 09, September 2011
In this paper the study and the simulating structural features defining physical and mechanical characteristics of carbon filaments were considered. The mathematical relations were obtained on the basis of experimental data. These results allow building a transition from a database of a fiber to the knowledge base and simulating patterns of destruction of pultruded rods.
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