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77-30569/240001Means of identifying aircraft movement based on relative trajectory changes.
Engineering Education # 10, October 2011
This article proposes a method of information processing, based on the results of relative measurements made by optical trajectory tracking facilities, which work in the conditions of undetermined orientation relative to local meridian and horizon, the presence of unaccounted constant errors or in case of both factors. Under current conditions of a limited budget and time for organization of measurements, the proposed method is highly relevant and provides the optimal solution of thesurveyed object motion determination problem.The algorithm of surveyed object coordinates determination is shown in particular.
77-30569/216010 Methodical approach to managing the process of experimental compliance of strategic missile systems with operational requirements based on current reliability estimates
Engineering Education # 09, September 2011
In this article the approach is considered, allowing to adapt for the developed now and predicted organization, engaged in experimental rocket complexes. The methodical approach offered in article is based on use during the experimental working off a rocket complex’s quantitative estimation indicators of reliability during the development of operating influences and allows to consider and compensate the revealed defects and to increase the experimental working off of rocket complexes’ efficiency as a whole.
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