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Engineering Bulletin # 11, November 2014
УДК: 681.5

Engineering Bulletin # 10, October 2013

Engineering Bulletin # 12, December 2012
Motion control biped walking robot on the program trajectory
Engineering Education # 05, May 2011
The article deals with motion control actuator bipedal walking robot on the program of path. A mathematical model of the tree-actuator robot, recorded by the apparatus of the block matrices and graph theory, presented in a way traditional for actuators with a simple kinematic chain. Presented, developed by the authors, the algorithms forming the trajectory of the robot on a horizontal plane and the results of their implementation on the operating experimental two-legged walking robot with electrohydraulic actuators .An algorithm for stabilizing the movement of the actuator robot controlled by changes of the moments on the feet and the block diagram of the stabilization system, which implements this algorithm. The results of experimental studies robot walking on a horizontal surface.
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