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Research Facility for Mechanical Press Closed Gap Adjuster
Engineering Education # 06, June 2016
DOI: 10.7463/0616.0842166
pp. 83-96
Mannes of Forging and Perspectives of Knuckle Joint Presses Modernization
Engineering Education # 11, November 2014
DOI: 10.7463/1114.0733635
pp. 126-136
Automatic control of a drive of the mechanism of adjustment of the closed height KGSHP with application of frequency management for increase of accuracy of the high-rise size details
Engineering Education # 09, September 2009
  In this article are viewing the automatic operational regulation by closed gap of forging press with frequency-controlled drive application. Frequency-controlled drive producing by KEB company and consist of frequency converter 18.F5.M1H-3AEA and synchronous motor F2.SM.000-2400. Forging press is equipped with eccentric mechanism regulation of closed gap press, embodied in punch slide. Using the control system by mechanism regulation of closed gap press in automatic mode, will be allow to elevate the accuracy of forged piece high dimension. Regulation is performed on elastic deformation size. Using the automatic control system mechanism regulation and elevate the accuracy of forged piece high dimension will be permit to reduce number of the next mechanical processing of forged piece. The operation by frequency-controlled drive can be produce with computer or PLC application. The accuracy of control by frequency-controlled drive is ±1 degree from destination point of shaft drive. It will allow to realize precision positioning by mechanism regulation of closed gap press and therefore the linear positioning by press slide.
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