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Experience in the practical application of the method of adapting of interfaces of users on the terminology of a data domain in systems of creation and usage of distributed heterogeneous informational resources
Engineering Education # 11, November 2010
This article describes how we used the method to adapt user interfaces to the terminology of subject areas in the systems of formation and use of distributed heterogeneous information resources in developing the working space department of the university.
Method adapting of interfaces of users on the terminology of a data domain in systems of creation and usage of distributed heterogeneous informational resources
Engineering Education # 01, January 2010
In clause the method of adapting of interfaces of users on terminology of a data domain of activity in systems of creation and usage of distributed heterogeneous informational resources is described. The model of the template of representation of the informational resources underlying a method of adapting is presented. 
Tools of creation and support of electronic collections of informational resources
Engineering Education # 05, May 2009
In clause the comparative analysis of the tools of creation most popular on today and supports of informational resources is resulted. At research the special attention was given questions of the organization of access to informational resources of an electronic collection and methods of adapting of user interfaces to a concrete direction of a data domain of activity
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