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Imitating mathematical modelling of the measuring control relaxian processes in multicomponent nonequilibrium system
Engineering Education # 02, February 2009
The analysis of the experimental results represented c by the purpose of definition of sizes on экспементально to registered dependences, concerns a known class a problem of Proni. It is possible to carry the assumption of Proni. To initial variants of statement of problems about экспоненциальном the law of decrease of pressure in a stream of extending gas, and also a problem of the analysis of structure of a breaking up mix of radioactive components.
Imitation mathematical model for determining parameters of hyper-flexible elastic material with memory
Engineering Education # 01, January 2009
  Possibility of experimental determination a resilient member construction material physico-mathematical characteristics is based on analyzing it’s answer to a test harmonical stress by a linear oscillator . Resilient member material has a shape memory.
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