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77-30569/382108 Model of dependence of transport company’s profit on vehicle fleet size
Engineering Education # 04, April 2012
 Economico-mathematical model considered in the article allows to calculate an optimal vehicle fleet size for maximum profit of a transport company. The algorithm, tools, implementation of the model are described. The evaluation of cost-effectiveness  of the proposed approach is presented in the article.
System for estimations and managements of credit risk
Engineering Education # 02, February 2010
Management of credit risk is understood as a series of measures, accepted by bank for reduction of size of losses in credit operations and maintenance of necessary level of own liquidity in case of infringement by the counterpart of the obligations.
Functional model of a control system of medical diagnostic services.
Engineering Education # 03, March 2009
In article working out of full and consistent functional model of a control system by medical diagnostic services is described carried out with use of the structural approach to designing
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